Websites to use… Great site with tons of information to get you started on healthy living Lots of great information on nutrition Where to find raw milk Good for finding information about specific macronutrients (carbs (fruits and veggies), proteins and fats) Good for finding information on micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) Great tips on proper food preparation (including nuts, seeds and grains) and lots of good recipes Great gluten and grain free recipes Good for WAPF based recipes and other information In line and in conjunction with the WAPF philosophy All about sugar, study by Ancel Keys, great information Great recipes Paleo information A line of cosmetics and lotions, bug repellents, etc. that Anna and Mike make from ingredients grown on their farm Loving Dove Farms - A FANATASTIC local farmer-visit Grace and her family Thursdays in the Spring, Summer and Fall at the Elberta Farmer's Market and Saturdays throughout the year at the Frankfort Farmer's Market (indoors in Winter) Real Foodie that writes and talks about real food
for grass fed and pastured meat and chicken broth - frozen, shipped to your door. For those of you that don't want to make your own but need the therapy.
for those of you who want properly prepared nuts and nut butters but don't want to take the time to prepare them yourself. Wild caught seafood and organics shipped direct to your door.
Great news segment on Heart disease and fats/cholesterols
Great local farmers at the Elberta and Frankfort farmer's markets:
Sievert's Maple Syrup, The Ant and the Grasshopper, Brown Orchards, Pettit Farms, Grow Benzie, Lost Lake Farm, Five Springs Farm, Z&N
I will be expanding this as I find additional helpful sites.
Superfoods/Healing Foods
Meat Stock
This is a great food to heal the gut lining. Please refer to for how to prepare this. Great for improving overall health.
Raw Dairy
Raw whole milk comes equipped with the enzyme lactase, which helps you digest the milk sugar lactose. This has
been killed in pasteurized milk. The other things that are killed by pasteurizing and homogenizing are the fat
soluble vitamins and calcium. These are then added these back synthetically, along with things like aspartame
and other additives. Our bodies do not assimilate the synthetic vitamins and minerals in the same way they do with natural ones.
Homogenization and pasteurization also changes the context of the protein, so that your body does not recognize it.
If you are not drinking WHOLE fat milk, which, by the way is only 3.25%, you cannot absorb these fat soluble vitamins anyway
(you cannot absorb fat soluble vitamins without the fat!).
You can make yogurt, kefir or ice cream from your whole raw milk.
Here's a link to a recent study on the safety of raw milk
Beet Kvass
Zukay Live Foods Beet-Ginger kvass. This is available at your health food store. Take 2-3 oz. three times a day for thinning your bile so you can have a healthy
gallbladder and liver (which leads to better fat digestion).
Cultured Veggies
These include sauerkraut and other pickled veggies. These have probiotics and are pre-biotics for feeding the good gut flora.
Links to information on Dr. Burzynski from the Burzynski Clinic in Houston TX (non-toxic cancer treatments).
Link to good refrigerator posting for gradual transitioning to better nutrition
LINK TO VACCINE INFORMATION PAGE Lots of great information on nutrition Where to find raw milk Good for finding information about specific macronutrients (carbs (fruits and veggies), proteins and fats) Good for finding information on micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) Great tips on proper food preparation (including nuts, seeds and grains) and lots of good recipes Great gluten and grain free recipes Good for WAPF based recipes and other information In line and in conjunction with the WAPF philosophy All about sugar, study by Ancel Keys, great information Great recipes Paleo information A line of cosmetics and lotions, bug repellents, etc. that Anna and Mike make from ingredients grown on their farm Loving Dove Farms - A FANATASTIC local farmer-visit Grace and her family Thursdays in the Spring, Summer and Fall at the Elberta Farmer's Market and Saturdays throughout the year at the Frankfort Farmer's Market (indoors in Winter) Real Foodie that writes and talks about real food
for grass fed and pastured meat and chicken broth - frozen, shipped to your door. For those of you that don't want to make your own but need the therapy.
for those of you who want properly prepared nuts and nut butters but don't want to take the time to prepare them yourself. Wild caught seafood and organics shipped direct to your door.
Great news segment on Heart disease and fats/cholesterols
Great local farmers at the Elberta and Frankfort farmer's markets:
Sievert's Maple Syrup, The Ant and the Grasshopper, Brown Orchards, Pettit Farms, Grow Benzie, Lost Lake Farm, Five Springs Farm, Z&N
I will be expanding this as I find additional helpful sites.
Superfoods/Healing Foods
Meat Stock
This is a great food to heal the gut lining. Please refer to for how to prepare this. Great for improving overall health.
Raw Dairy
Raw whole milk comes equipped with the enzyme lactase, which helps you digest the milk sugar lactose. This has
been killed in pasteurized milk. The other things that are killed by pasteurizing and homogenizing are the fat
soluble vitamins and calcium. These are then added these back synthetically, along with things like aspartame
and other additives. Our bodies do not assimilate the synthetic vitamins and minerals in the same way they do with natural ones.
Homogenization and pasteurization also changes the context of the protein, so that your body does not recognize it.
If you are not drinking WHOLE fat milk, which, by the way is only 3.25%, you cannot absorb these fat soluble vitamins anyway
(you cannot absorb fat soluble vitamins without the fat!).
You can make yogurt, kefir or ice cream from your whole raw milk.
Here's a link to a recent study on the safety of raw milk
Beet Kvass
Zukay Live Foods Beet-Ginger kvass. This is available at your health food store. Take 2-3 oz. three times a day for thinning your bile so you can have a healthy
gallbladder and liver (which leads to better fat digestion).
Cultured Veggies
These include sauerkraut and other pickled veggies. These have probiotics and are pre-biotics for feeding the good gut flora.
Links to information on Dr. Burzynski from the Burzynski Clinic in Houston TX (non-toxic cancer treatments).
Link to good refrigerator posting for gradual transitioning to better nutrition