Vaccine information page
If you choose to vaccinate yourself or your child, you should be familiar with the signs and symptoms of adverse reactions by reviewing all VAERS info on that vaccination. VAERS stands for Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System and can be found at
It makes sense to only vaccinate with one vaccination per time so as to discern if particular vaccine ingredients cause an adverse health condition. For example, toxicity of heavy metals is cumulative and you may not notice any changes in behavior or symptoms immediately.
ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) is a complicated disorder that has been implicated with vaccination. Two of the main issues stem from mitochondrial dysfunction and impairment of detoxification of heavy metals. In mitochondrial dysfunction, there really is no screening test for this at this time-they say not to vaccinate if your child is ill at the time you would be vaccinating. For impairment of detoxification of heavy metals, there are ways to detect that. This study is one where they looked specifically at lead and mercury. Heavy metals accumulate over time and that is the theory of why it's not necessarily the first vaccinations that parents notice a "tipping point" when ASD symptoms appear.
Small intestine dysfunction ("leaky gut") plays a large role in how our bodies handle vaccination. Learn the signs and symptoms of this disorder so you'll know if now is the appropriate time to start vaccinating. is a wonderful website with easy to access FAQ's. An intact lining of the small intestine is imperative to optimal immune function so make sure that your child's is adequate to handle the ingredients of a vaccination.
Observe for obvious reactions (high pitch scream/excessive crying, fever, etc.). In the coming days, pay particular attention to observations regarding prior eye contact versus current eye contact, as well as any detoxification issues. For example, is the child constipated for any length of time compared to his/her normal bowel movements prior to vaccination. Some children lack the enzymes required to detoxify heavy metals and these can accumulate in the body and brain and cause issues. When bowel movements return, are the "normal" for the child? Either of these symptoms, eye contact or detoxification issues, can indicate a toxicity of a vaccine ingredient, including the adjuvant used. Below is a link to a study regarding eye contact:
Continue to observe behaviors. Don't hesitate to report anything you see that is not "normal" for your or your child to the VAERS.
Per a study on incidences of adverse events reported, it was determined that only approximately 1% of events are reported.
The 2019 Global Summit on Vaccines has determined that our science on vaccines is outdated and needs to be revised and more testing needs to be done in the area of safety.
In conclusion, AWARENESS IS THE KEY ALWAYS in early detection of any issues.
How to Vet a Vaccine
1. Get a list of the types and brand names of what vaccines you are to receive at the next visit from your doctors office.
2. Go to
Write down each ingredient in each vaccine on the list. Notate which ones are cumulative.
3. Look up each ingredient for safety on the OSHA website or other website that give safety information.
at a local obstetricians office they offer their pregnant patients the vaccine below:
Boostrix TDap
With the following ingredients:
formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, sodium chloride, polysorbate 80
Here is OSHA’s information on the first ingredient (formaldehyde) in the above Boostrix vaccine
NOTE: The OSHA website is geared toward safety in the workplace. You will he injecting this particular ingredient into your bloodstream via the vaccination.
An excerpt:
Harmful Effects on Workers
Formaldehyde is a sensitizing agent that can cause an immune system response upon initial exposure. It is also a cancer hazard. Acute exposure is highly irritating to the eyes, nose, and throat and can make anyone exposed cough and wheeze. Subsequent exposure may cause severe allergic reactions of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Ingestion of formaldehyde can be fatal, and long-term exposure to low levels in the air or on the skin can cause asthma-like respiratory problems and skin irritation such as dermatitis and itching. Concentrations of 100 ppm are immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH).
4. Continue down the list of ingredients and include a tally of the quantity of these ingredients for each vaccination you will receive at the doctor visit, noting in particular how much of the potent neurotoxicity adjuvant aluminum (for example) you will be receiving at that visit.
5. Go to the manufacturer’s website and download the package insert. Read it, specifically looking for any issue that may be pertinent to your situation (ie Are you pregnant?). These inserts should also give you the amounts of each ingredient in the vaccine.
As an example, here is the information on page 14 re the vaccine and pregnant women
Pregnancy Exposure Registry
There is a pregnancy exposure registry that monitors pregnancy outcomes in women exposed to BOOSTRIX during pregnancy. Healthcare providers are encouraged to register women by calling 1-888-452-9622.
Risk Summary
All pregnancies have a risk of birth defect, loss, or other adverse outcomes. In the U.S. general population, the estimated background risk of major birth defects and miscarriage in clinically recognized pregnancies is 2% to 4% and 15% to 20%, respectively. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies of BOOSTRIX in pregnant women in the U.S.
6. Determine the further safety of the vaccine by looking at or similar website that gives information on a drug/medical device for all known side effects. Be sure and read the entire listing as it should include the information by organ system.
You can also get a package insert here
7. Now look up the FDA statement on the CDC website regarding aluminum exposure.
Note: Per the cdc website re aluminum:
Vaccines may contain small amounts of aluminum compounds, no greater than 0.85 mg/dose.
Finally, now that you have all the information assembled, ask yourself the following questions to determine if there might be any other reason you should not be vaccinated:
Do you have a cold, flu, earache, headache, abdominal pain, respiratory illness, add/adhd, OCD, anxiety disorder, any neurological disorder, mitochondrial dysfunction/disorder, relative who has a mitochondrial disorder/dysfunction, developmental delay, an autoimmune disorder or a relative with an autoimmune disorder, are you pregnant, do you have cancer, a kidney issue or any other issue that may be compromising your immune system?
Further Questions to Explore.
Would you ever be exposed to all of the diseases in the vaccine you are receiving at once, for example the MMR is measles, mumps and rubella? Can you obtain a vaccine with one disease at once instead of all of them? To mimic what would happen in real life.
Has there been independent safety testing on the vaccine?
Yes, there is. It’s called Homeoprophylaxis. You can read about it in a book by Cilla Whatcott, HD RHom, CCH, PhD called There Is A Choice: Homeoprophylaxis by Cilla Whatcott. You can also find more information online at You can view my page on Homeprophylaxis here.
Resources - these are only a few available. KEEP DOING YOUR HOMEWORK.
ASK 8:
Downloads to have addressed before taking any vaccine or medical device
Childrens Health Defense
National Vaccine Information Center
Michigan Vaccine Choice
1,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies.
Cdc excipients list
The truth about vaccines episode series
If you choose to vaccinate yourself or your child, you should be familiar with the signs and symptoms of adverse reactions by reviewing all VAERS info on that vaccination. VAERS stands for Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System and can be found at
It makes sense to only vaccinate with one vaccination per time so as to discern if particular vaccine ingredients cause an adverse health condition. For example, toxicity of heavy metals is cumulative and you may not notice any changes in behavior or symptoms immediately.
ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) is a complicated disorder that has been implicated with vaccination. Two of the main issues stem from mitochondrial dysfunction and impairment of detoxification of heavy metals. In mitochondrial dysfunction, there really is no screening test for this at this time-they say not to vaccinate if your child is ill at the time you would be vaccinating. For impairment of detoxification of heavy metals, there are ways to detect that. This study is one where they looked specifically at lead and mercury. Heavy metals accumulate over time and that is the theory of why it's not necessarily the first vaccinations that parents notice a "tipping point" when ASD symptoms appear.
Small intestine dysfunction ("leaky gut") plays a large role in how our bodies handle vaccination. Learn the signs and symptoms of this disorder so you'll know if now is the appropriate time to start vaccinating. is a wonderful website with easy to access FAQ's. An intact lining of the small intestine is imperative to optimal immune function so make sure that your child's is adequate to handle the ingredients of a vaccination.
Observe for obvious reactions (high pitch scream/excessive crying, fever, etc.). In the coming days, pay particular attention to observations regarding prior eye contact versus current eye contact, as well as any detoxification issues. For example, is the child constipated for any length of time compared to his/her normal bowel movements prior to vaccination. Some children lack the enzymes required to detoxify heavy metals and these can accumulate in the body and brain and cause issues. When bowel movements return, are the "normal" for the child? Either of these symptoms, eye contact or detoxification issues, can indicate a toxicity of a vaccine ingredient, including the adjuvant used. Below is a link to a study regarding eye contact:
Continue to observe behaviors. Don't hesitate to report anything you see that is not "normal" for your or your child to the VAERS.
Per a study on incidences of adverse events reported, it was determined that only approximately 1% of events are reported.
The 2019 Global Summit on Vaccines has determined that our science on vaccines is outdated and needs to be revised and more testing needs to be done in the area of safety.
In conclusion, AWARENESS IS THE KEY ALWAYS in early detection of any issues.
How to Vet a Vaccine
1. Get a list of the types and brand names of what vaccines you are to receive at the next visit from your doctors office.
2. Go to
Write down each ingredient in each vaccine on the list. Notate which ones are cumulative.
3. Look up each ingredient for safety on the OSHA website or other website that give safety information.
at a local obstetricians office they offer their pregnant patients the vaccine below:
Boostrix TDap
With the following ingredients:
formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, sodium chloride, polysorbate 80
Here is OSHA’s information on the first ingredient (formaldehyde) in the above Boostrix vaccine
NOTE: The OSHA website is geared toward safety in the workplace. You will he injecting this particular ingredient into your bloodstream via the vaccination.
An excerpt:
Harmful Effects on Workers
Formaldehyde is a sensitizing agent that can cause an immune system response upon initial exposure. It is also a cancer hazard. Acute exposure is highly irritating to the eyes, nose, and throat and can make anyone exposed cough and wheeze. Subsequent exposure may cause severe allergic reactions of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Ingestion of formaldehyde can be fatal, and long-term exposure to low levels in the air or on the skin can cause asthma-like respiratory problems and skin irritation such as dermatitis and itching. Concentrations of 100 ppm are immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH).
4. Continue down the list of ingredients and include a tally of the quantity of these ingredients for each vaccination you will receive at the doctor visit, noting in particular how much of the potent neurotoxicity adjuvant aluminum (for example) you will be receiving at that visit.
5. Go to the manufacturer’s website and download the package insert. Read it, specifically looking for any issue that may be pertinent to your situation (ie Are you pregnant?). These inserts should also give you the amounts of each ingredient in the vaccine.
As an example, here is the information on page 14 re the vaccine and pregnant women
Pregnancy Exposure Registry
There is a pregnancy exposure registry that monitors pregnancy outcomes in women exposed to BOOSTRIX during pregnancy. Healthcare providers are encouraged to register women by calling 1-888-452-9622.
Risk Summary
All pregnancies have a risk of birth defect, loss, or other adverse outcomes. In the U.S. general population, the estimated background risk of major birth defects and miscarriage in clinically recognized pregnancies is 2% to 4% and 15% to 20%, respectively. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies of BOOSTRIX in pregnant women in the U.S.
6. Determine the further safety of the vaccine by looking at or similar website that gives information on a drug/medical device for all known side effects. Be sure and read the entire listing as it should include the information by organ system.
You can also get a package insert here
7. Now look up the FDA statement on the CDC website regarding aluminum exposure.
Note: Per the cdc website re aluminum:
Vaccines may contain small amounts of aluminum compounds, no greater than 0.85 mg/dose.
Finally, now that you have all the information assembled, ask yourself the following questions to determine if there might be any other reason you should not be vaccinated:
Do you have a cold, flu, earache, headache, abdominal pain, respiratory illness, add/adhd, OCD, anxiety disorder, any neurological disorder, mitochondrial dysfunction/disorder, relative who has a mitochondrial disorder/dysfunction, developmental delay, an autoimmune disorder or a relative with an autoimmune disorder, are you pregnant, do you have cancer, a kidney issue or any other issue that may be compromising your immune system?
Further Questions to Explore.
Would you ever be exposed to all of the diseases in the vaccine you are receiving at once, for example the MMR is measles, mumps and rubella? Can you obtain a vaccine with one disease at once instead of all of them? To mimic what would happen in real life.
Has there been independent safety testing on the vaccine?
Yes, there is. It’s called Homeoprophylaxis. You can read about it in a book by Cilla Whatcott, HD RHom, CCH, PhD called There Is A Choice: Homeoprophylaxis by Cilla Whatcott. You can also find more information online at You can view my page on Homeprophylaxis here.
Resources - these are only a few available. KEEP DOING YOUR HOMEWORK.
ASK 8:
Downloads to have addressed before taking any vaccine or medical device
Childrens Health Defense
National Vaccine Information Center
Michigan Vaccine Choice
1,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies.
Cdc excipients list
The truth about vaccines episode series